Me in the Frame: The Photographer Cover Feature

I’m used to my work appearing on posters and billboards, on magazine front covers and inside newspapers, but I’m not often the story itself…
So it was slightly disconcerting, but ultimately a real pleasure to be interviewed by editor Joel Hanson for the cover feature of the most recent edition of The Photographer, the magazine of the British Institute of Professional Photography (BIPP).
We discussed my background and how I started out in photography, chatted about how I got into entertainment industry work via shooting terrible portraits of Wernor Herzog and Janet Jackson at The Rizy Cinema back in the day, and how my acting background is useful when shooting posters and key art with high profile actors.
Fellow Feeling
We also explored how I used the three BIPP qualifications levels (Licentiate, Associate, Fellow) to develop professionally over 6 years, as well as touching on more contemporary issues like AI and photography.
The work I do now means the Association of Photographers (AOP) is perhaps a more relevant organisation professionally, but I’m really proud of the work I put into getting my BIPP Fellowship, and it helped make me the photographer I am, so I’m always glad to keep my membership going.
The Feature
Joel did an admirable job of turning our chat into a coherent piece, plus the magazine paper stock and print process meant the spreads turned out beautifully.

Check the full feature out below.