These Four Walls

As the UK went into Corona lockdown in March 2020, all shoots were cancelled, and the borders of life shrank to a few rooms and a daily walk. I decided to do something unusual for me, and make home my subject.

My brief: working in medium format, with a top-down viewfinder and in B&W, take one photo each day to capture something characteristic of the detail, tone or emotion of this new normality, and document these strange times as they passed in one flat in Brixton.

Unlike others, we hadn’t been ill and didn’t lose anyone, so our experience didn’t reflect the extremes many endured. But few aspects of life were untouched and from toilet paper shortages to Zooming Great Grandma, from washing soup cans to celebrating a birth, much of human life seemed present, just confined to the house.

The project was featured in the AOP’s online gallery. My Corona: a lockdown photo journal

AOP Feature on These Four Walls project

On these Four Walls

These Four Walls

Mental & physical exercise

These Four Walls

Midnight view

These Four Walls

Stay alert?!

These Four Walls

Stay alert?!

These Four Walls

We sympathise...

These Four Walls

Clapping for Carers Thursday, 8.01pm

These Four Walls

Thank you NHS

These Four Walls

We sympathise...

These Four Walls

Morning view

These Four Walls

The pigeon who lives in the wall

These Four Walls

Toilet roll shortage

These Four Walls

Ubiquitous Banana Bread

These Four Walls

Jess makes a plan

These Four Walls

The indoor office

These Four Walls

Jess filling time with arts and crafts

These Four Walls

The Outdoor Office

These Four Walls

Sunrise Shadows

These Four Walls

Work Clothes

These Four Walls

Jess plays her hand

These Four Walls

Owyn describes his son being born by Caesarian

These Four Walls

Owyn and Aideen bring their son home

These Four Walls


These Four Walls

Washing vegetables

These Four Walls

'Meeting' Owyn and Aideen's son, at 3 days old.

These Four Walls

Jess concerned by the news

These Four Walls

Golden hour

These Four Walls

Washing the idea of corona virus off shopping

These Four Walls

By the light of the Pink Supermoon

These Four Walls

By the light of the Pink Supermoon

These Four Walls

The sun always shines...

These Four Walls

Jess goes for a bike ride

These Four Walls

Lunch Break

These Four Walls

Jess at work

These Four Walls

A lockdown Easter Egg Hunt

These Four Walls

Going to the football with Laurence and Will

These Four Walls

Making Hot Cross Buns, late.

These Four Walls

Jess working

These Four Walls

After Exercise

These Four Walls

After Exercise

These Four Walls

Family gathering with four generations

These Four Walls

Where the pigeon lives

These Four Walls

Sundown shadows

These Four Walls

Sundown shadows

These Four Walls

Jess at work