Author: Michael Wharley



On the BBC – The Photo That Made Me…

On the BBC – The Photo That Made Me…

Eight Association of Photographers members talk career-making images some beautiful contrasting work, including my shot on The Weir’ campaign for English Touring Theatre. A lovely thing cropped up this week, when I was included in a feature published on the BBC News n Pictures’ section. As the intro says: The Association of Photographers asked its members to go […]


photography | portraiture
Grave News: In a Green Shade with Lev Parikian

Grave News: In a Green Shade with Lev Parikian

My 'In a Green Shade: The English & Nature' green portrait project opens by meeting nature writer Lev Parikian in West Norwood Cemetery.


environmental | location | portraiture
How to build a Film Poster: Summerland campaign reopens UK Cinemas

How to build a Film Poster: Summerland campaign reopens UK Cinemas

A blended approach, a beautiful setting & a dose of luck: my images for writer-director Jessica Swale redemptive wartime romance help Lionsgate open up UK cinemas. I love environmental portraiture, getting out in nature and working with a big team, so socially-distanced lockdown has been a little tough, but throughout I was sustained by happy memories of the […]


film | location | photography | portraiture
Behind the Scenes: building pont d’Amelie

Behind the Scenes: building pont d’Amelie

A lovely advertising photography commission came in just after Christmas from favourite clients I A Marketing, and a group of producers including Hartshorn-Hook and Selladoor. The brief: shoot poster imagery for a major new stage adaptation of the hit film Amelie. Regular collaborator, the designer Rebecca Pitt, had produced a beautiful pre-casting ad image (above), which traded off some key motifs […]


advertising | behind the scenes | news
Talking Advertising Photography for Theatre

Talking Advertising Photography for Theatre

Joining the Kings Head Theatre #KHT Online Lunchtime Session to discuss how teamwork makes a great promo campaign.


advertising | portraiture | theatre
My, my, my my, Corona:  a lockdown photo journal

My, my, my my, Corona: a lockdown photo journal

With life reduced to four walls and a daily walk, turning my camera on life & home amid the Covid-19 lockdown. As the UK went into Corona lockdown in March 2020, and all shoots were cancelled, the borders of life shrank to just a few rooms and a daily walk. Starved of work, I decided […]


medium format | portraiture
BIPP Photographer of the Year 2018!

BIPP Photographer of the Year 2018!

The Weir I was awarded Gold in the Portrait category and the overall title Photographer of the Year at the BIPP National Awards 2018, for this panel shot for ETT production of Conor McPherson’s The Weir. The brief was to take pictures in the style of Caravaggio or one of the Dutch Masters, and with some careful […]


advertising | awards | news
BTS:  Free Flow Fro: A Natural Hair Project shoot day

BTS: Free Flow Fro: A Natural Hair Project shoot day

Going behind the scenes on a shoot day for 'Free Flow 'Fro: A Natural Hair Project,' a photo series celebrating natural hair in all its nuance and diversity and hoping to promote change in the acting industry through the power of positive representation.


behind the scenes | diversity | natural hair | portraiture
BTS: shooting & Juliet

BTS: shooting & Juliet

Going behind the scenes on the advertising photoshoot to create the poster for the exciting new Max Martin musical '& Juliet' starring Miriam-Teak Lee.


advertising | behind the scenes
Call for subjects: ‘In a Green Shade’: The English & Nature.

Call for subjects: ‘In a Green Shade’: The English & Nature.

Seeking nature lovers in every urban nook and rural cranny for an environmental portrait series celebrating our need for green. During Lockdown, it’s never been more obvious how vital green spaces and countryside are to our health and happiness. I would have been lost myself without our scrap of a front garden with its birdfeeder and the daily […]


environmental | location | photography | portraiture
Spotlight on…well, me!

Spotlight on…well, me!

A rare moment out from behind the camera, talking life, work & the switch to Phase One digital medium format with Teamwork.


medium format | portraiture
Sent to The Wall…

Sent to The Wall…

Hanging about shooting dramatic new press & poster imagery for ice climbing thriller Touching the Void, based on Joe Simpson's book and film, from Warhorse director Tom Morris, & Fiery Angel


advertising | location
Mindful Mum’s the word…

Mindful Mum’s the word…

Seeking moments of mindful zen amid a gaggle of under 15s on a location shoot with comedian Olivia Lee and Decca Records...


advertising | location | portraiture
It’s all a blur…

It’s all a blur…

Using creative motion blur and gels to step inside the tortured mind of Sergei Rachmaninoff, for musical 'Preludes.'


Behind the Scenes video: this Sleeping Beauty is wide awake…

Behind the Scenes video: this Sleeping Beauty is wide awake…

Behind the scenes video on our shoot for an energetic Sleeping Beauty & friends for Theatre Royal Stratford East. Clients quite often bring videographers to campaign shoots to capture the excitement, detail, process and transformation of a photoshoot, and it’s often a great way of creating compelling online content for a show long before a teaser trailer or […]


advertising | behind the scenes | news